Saturday 20 December 2014

13 Things Mature Men Don’t Do (By: Ivan Dimitrijevic)

Mature Man 
It seems that we as a society have forgotten some important values, and are generally becoming more immature as a result. There doesn’t seem to be a differentiation between manliness and egocentric chauvinist behavior in a lot of people’s minds, which is truly sad. You have people saying things like 30 is the new 20, and grown men acting like entitled spoiled children. The truth is that once you’ve stepped into your mid-20s you should have gained enough life experience to be able to behave like a mature adult.
The thing is, few young people –

Thursday 11 December 2014

7 Ways to Get Rid of Negative Energy and Become Positive (By Chris Talambas)


Negativity affects ourselves and everyone around us. It limits our potential to become something great and live a fulfilling, purposeful life. Negativity has a tangible effect on our health, too. Research has shown that people who cultivate negative energy experience more stress, more sickness, and less opportunity over the course of their lives than those who choose to live positively.

These 10 Types of Unnecessary Fear Should not Block You Anymore (By Gilbert Ross)


When our mind and heart are taken over by fear, our life grinds to a halt. Fear debilitates us and blocks us from taking positive action to move forward. Fear can also be an insidious enemy. It can seep through our daily life unnoticed and unchecked.
We might not even realize that it has hacked its way deep into our subconscious mind until we totally succumb to its grip.
Most common forms of fear are unnecessary. This means that unlike instinctive fear – for instance the fear that helps you stir away from imminent danger – these types of fear are mostly a fabrication of our mind or instilled through past experiences.
Unnecessary fears can and must be identified and avoided. They serve no real purpose apart from hindering our actions, goals and progress in life.
Here are the top 10 types of unnecessary fears that should not block you anymore: 


1. Fear of Failure

We all fear failing in something at some point in our life. Fear of failing in a job interview, a business venture, a relationship, reaching a goal and so on. The problem arises when it becomes a fear of failure in general.
The rational question is “how do you know you will fail before trying?” or “is failing to take action worse or better than failing after trying?”.

Monday 8 December 2014

7 Secrets How Great People Build Powerful Confidence


Want to learn how great people build unshakable confidence? If this is what you are looking for, this is the right article for you. Having strong confidence is one of the fundamental steps to achieving outstanding success. Without confidence, you will never produce the great results you want. And here are seven secrets how great people build powerful confidence…


1. They believe in themselves

Successful people always trust themselves. They believe they can do it and they are right. Even when things get out of hand, they trust in their ability that they can turn it around. You have to remember this all the time. You are special and you are unique. There is only one you in this universe. Nobody can talk like you do, breathe like you and think like you.

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

Friday 5 December 2014

10 Reasons Why Some People Will Never Succeed (by Kayiba Mpoyi)

sad man 
In O.G Mandino’s The greatest salesman in the world, a very important fact was made which said that:
“two amongst a thousand wise men, will define success in the same words, yet failure is always described in one way. Failure is man’s inability to reach his goals in life whatever they may be.”

24 Questions That Awaken The Real You (by Matt Hearnden)


I never used to ask these hit-harder-than-Tyson questions of myself. Or perhaps more accurately I’d occasionally ask them or they’d pop, unwanted, into my head, but I’d always quickly remove them from consciousness. I didn’t want to “go there”. Because I was scared. Intuitively, I knew these were important questions. Questions that would take me forward and jolt me outside my current reality. But I was comfortable drifting along the peripheries of my potential, even if I wasn’t totally happy, so why would I want to risk that?

24 Life-Changing Questions You Need to Ask Yourself (by Kathryn Mott)

Questions that can change your life

Everyone has those moments in life when you stop and evaluate where you’re at and where you’re heading. Most of the time those evaluations come because of a simple but powerful question. These types of questions can change our lives, turn us in another direction and open our minds to new experiences and people. Here are some life-changing questions that you might ask yourself one day:


1.Where will I be in 5 years if I keep heading in this direction?

Are you doing the things you want to be doing and becoming the person you want to become or are you heading in another direction?


8 Misleading And Really Tough Questions You Could Be Asked In Job Interviews (By Jung Viera)


Knowing how to deal with tough interview questions properly can put you miles above other candidates. Your body language, voice and content of your answers are all factors that play into you getting hired.
This article will detail some tough and misleading questions that generally confuse potential employees and will help you get an insider view on what employers are looking for in your responses.
Remember in order to ensure your success you need to take the time to properly prepare your responses, practice them and always stay hungry for new information. This article will point you to the right direction for you to be successful in job interviews.

Tell me about yourself.

This is a very misleading question if you don’t approach it properly. Interviewers are looking for a lot more than just some information on what you do in your spare time. When you are asked this question it is important that you align your skills with what the interviewer is looking for. Don’t be afraid to play to their strengths and interests – in fact this is what they are looking for.

The more you stay focused on your blessings, the less…

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Top 10 Quotes of the week

Love-is-giving-someone-the-power-to-destroy-you-but-trusting-them-not-to. Life-has-no-remote-Get-up-and-change-it-yourself Some-people-will-only-love-you-as-long-as-you-fit-in-their-box.-Dont-be-afraid-to-disappoint. To-be-beautiful-means-to-be-yourself.-You-dont-need-to-be-accepted-by-others.-You-need-to-accept-yourself.-Thich-Nhat-Hanh When-youre-thankful-for-what-you-have-you-are-always-rewarded-with-more.-Try-to-stay-positive-and-things-will-get-better. With-the-right-music-you-either-forget-everything-or-you-remember-everything. You-will-never-be-free-until-you-free-yourself-from-the-prison-of-your-own-false-thoughts.

15 Things Truly Happy People Don’t Care For (by David K. William)

Truly Happy People 
Happiness is a state of mind. Truly happy people maintain a positive mindset even in full view of the negatives in life. These people are optimists with strong ethics and high integrity. They are kind, loving, caring and compassionate to everyone indiscriminately. Looking at them, you will realize how confident, content and at ease they are with whom they are. What keeps them positive and brimming with a sunny disposition is that there are certain things that truly happy people just don’t care for.

1. They don’t care for amassing material possessions.

Sure, owning luxury cars, mansions and a load of cash in the bank is nice. But, these things don’t guarantee happiness and success. Truly happy people are more interested in using their resources to add value in people’s lives and living a decent, modest life. If the money keeps coming, they are happy. If they money doesn’t come, they are still happy and content.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Steve Jobs’s 10 Principles to Success That Everyone Needs To Learn (by Teddy Lim)

Apple Announces Launch Of New Tablet Computer 

Though Steve Jobs has passed away, his legacy will be with us forever. Steve was undoubtedly a very successful entrepreneur.
Here are ten life lessons about success that we can learn from him:


1. Learn how to anticipate the future

Steve Jobs once quoted Wayne Gretzky, saying:
“I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.”
Steve Jobs has been a living proof of this quote all of his life. Apple has reaped the benefits from Steve’s ability to anticipate future trends. They dominated the digital music sales (shrinking the market of CD music sales), while the iPhone has also revolutionized the phone industry by introducing a very sophisticated touch screen based phone.

Saturday 29 November 2014

12 Things To Remember If You Want To Create A Stunning Online Portfolio

Stunning Online Portfolio 

Online portfolios are becoming more and more necessary for professionals, even ones in non-artistic fields. There are a lot of them out there, so it’s important that yours stands out from all the rest. Here are a few things to remember if you want to have a truly stunning online portfolio.


1. Keep it simple.

An attractive portfolio is almost always a simple one. One of the most important things I can tell you is to not fill your online portfolio with unnecessary clutter. Google beats Yahoo by avoiding ads and clickbait on their home page. Employ the same strategy to have an effective online portfolio.


Hard Work without a purpose is like a ferrari without a steering wheel

3 Essential Things to Achieve Success (Hard Work Is Not One of Them) by Sergi Trivino

Achieve Success 

A common adage is that you need to work harder and suffer more than anyone else if you want to achieve success.
At the most, that’s a half-truth.
From what I have learned from people who have accomplished big things in both their lives and careers, one of their most common “a-ha moments” was when they realized that working hard was not enough to succeed, and that often it was even a waste of time and energy.

Friday 28 November 2014

True confidence has no room for jealously and envy. When…

7 Behaviors Most People Think Are Negative That Are Actually Healthy( by Brett Bevell)

Negative healthy behaviors

The most healthy behavior is simply for you to be authentic. Yet often we avoid our own authentic behaviors thinking they are unhealthy ones. Your own mind and body know what you need. And if you need a reminder why it is important to follow your authentic self, look at these common behaviors which are often considered negative which can actually be healthy.


1. Anger

Anger is something many of us avoid expressing and yet it can often be very liberating. Being angry and expressing it in a healthy way can create powerful and positive change in our lives. Anger is simply a type of emotional energy that rises up in us when we have been wronged and a personal boundary has been crossed. That energy is set out on a mission to dismantle the inappropriate situation that has caused our suffering.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

If You Do These 20 Things Every Day, You’ll Become Smarter (by Jayson DeMers)


Although many people believe intelligence is limited to those with high I.Q.s, there are a number of potential methods to boost one’s cognitive abilities and become more effective at various professional and personal pursuits.
With enough motivation and determination, anyone can expand their mental capabilities and become smarter. Integrating new habits into your regular routine and providing proper stimulation can sharpen your intellect quickly and leave you inspired to take on new challenges each day. Brain health is an important key in complete physical health. The list below includes the best brain-engaging activities in daily life.


Inviting Novelty

To create new neural pathways and strengthen the brain, it’s critical for people to continually incorporate new experiences and information into their lives. At first, these moments might feel useless, but eventually, you will find yourself looking forward to quiet moments alone.

10 Health Benefits of Music That You Were Never Aware Of ( by Robert Locke)

children playing piano 
Can you imagine a civilization without music? Impossible, I would say. In addition, history shows that every culture on this planet has used music in its religion, meditation, medicine, rituals and enjoyment of life. Let us look at the actual health benefits now.


1. Music is good for your heart.

“There’s just something about music—particularly live music—that excites and activates the body.”
—Joanne Loewy, Editor, Music and Medicine.
They say that music is good for the soul, but what about the heart? There are lots of experiments which are more or less impressive on the benefits of music when treating illness.
Heart patients were observed at Massachusetts General Hospital. They were recovering from heart surgery. Some patients listened to Mozart’s piano sonatas for half an hour every day. These patients were the ones who had improved heart rates and lower blood pressure compared with those who never listened to any music at all.


8 Signs of Weakening Health You Shouldn’t Ignore ( by Anthony Dejolde)


If your latest visit to your doctor gave you shivers and proved you are not healthy because you are developing a certain form of cancer, or perhaps you had a stroke, or you were shocked to have had a heart attack. Furthermore, these life threatening events will most likely motivate you to make drastic lifestyle changes.
However, you might not know that your body can give you warning signs your health is getting poorer even before you’ll get sick. It’s just that sometimes you ignore them because you’re busy working on your promotion, or plainly enjoying your life. Yes, it’s true your body’s whispers are warning messages you must hear long before you are confronted with a debilitating disease. It will whisper to catch your attention, and if you don’t respond it will start yelling.
Here are some of the signs your health may be deteriorating.


1. Your sleep has poor quality.

During night time, the stress hormone cortisol is supposed to go down to the minimum levels. This will allow your system to slow down, rest, and recharge. Insomnia patients can’t sleep at night due to cortisol levels that are abnormally revved up after sun down.

Sunday 23 November 2014

8 Ways To Stop Emotional Manipulation.. By: Siobhan Harmer

There are people who will attempt to manipulate others by making them feel guilty or ashamed, or by depriving them of happiness if they don’t do as asked. Commonly known as emotional manipulation, this behaviour is a truly difficult thing to escape. Fortunately, Sofo from The Unbounded Spirit explains eight ways you can protect yourself from emotional manipulation.
Here are 8 ways to spot and deal with it:


1. There is no use in trying to be honest with an emotional manipulator.

You make a statement and it will be turned around. Example: I am really angry that you forgot my birthday. Response – “It makes me feel sad that you would think I would forget your birthday, I should have told you of the great personal stress I am facing at the moment – but you see I didn’t want to trouble you. You are right I should have put all this pain (don’t be surprised to see real tears at this point) aside and focused on your birthday. Sorry.” Even as you are hearing the words you get the creeped out sensation that they really do NOT mean they are sorry at all – but since they’ve said the words you’re pretty much left with nothing more to say. Either that or you suddenly find yourself babysitting their angst!! Under all circumstances if you feel this angle is being played –

5 Quotes From Bill Gates That Will Teach You Valuable Life Lessons Dawn Hafner

Bill Gates has accomplished more wealth and success than anyone of our generation. But even more importantly he has worked tirelessly to improve lives and prevent deaths through his generous charitable contribuitons. I have left out a couple of his more well-known quotes and instead tried to focus on those lesser known quotes. I hope you will find that these resonate with some of your own valuable life lessons you know to be true. Here is a healthy dose of what has made Mr. Gates successful and things we should pay close attention to if we wish to succeed at our own dreams and desires.

1. Focus1024px-Bill_Gates_at_Sorbonne_3

“The most important work I got a chance to be involved in, no matter what I do, is the personal computer. You know, that’s what I grew up in my teens, my 20s, my 30s, you know, I even knew not to get married until later because I was so obsessed with it. That’s my life’s work.”

Collection Of Motivational Quotes by Famous Personalities Part 2

I have tried 99 times and have
failed, but
on the 100th time
- Albert

  Our mind is the most

How to Overcome Sadness and Be Happy...By Taheerah Alam

How to Overcome Sadness and Be Happy...By Taheerah Alam Taheerah Alam

So should I be thankful for the good clothes I wear or the Gucci bag I carry? Maybe the good food I can eat? Oh wait, what about the opportunity to study at a reputable university or being employed at a good company? Hey, did I mention my caring and wonderful parents or my cool siblings who are my best friends? Hold on, I completely forgot about the blessing of Islam in my life; How Allah guided my heart to His path! AlhamdulilLah (praise be to God).
Tired of counting already?!
No wonder Allah said in the Qur’an that if we were to count the favors of Allah, we will not do justice to even one favor! (14:34)
Yes, we are all struggling with something and I feel ya, my brother/sister in Islam. Maybe it’s been months and you are still looking for a decent job. Maybe you are a single brother/sister struggling to fight off temptations while there seems to be no progress in the ‘marriage’ part of your life and you are tired of searching for that ‘right’ person. Maybe you have been trying for years and still with no success in conceiving a baby. It could be anything. Anything that makes you feel that sense of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. A gap between what you desire to happen and what is happening in reality. And I feel your pain and I will never underestimate it.
But brothers and sisters, I request you all to take concrete steps to change your situation. Do something about it right now! You know how?

Working Within My Circle of Influence...By Khadija Amaan

Working Within My Circle of Influence...By Khadija Amaan Khadija Amaan
I would often find myself worrying about things and draining my energy. Yes, it would lead me to prayers, but also depression. When prayer leads you to depression, it means that you are doing something wrong. Prayer is hope. Prayer is faith. Prayer is uplifting. Prayer is not constant worry.
I learned this after moving to this new city. The first couple of weeks were great, but right after that, my husband would come home upset. We had relocated, thinking that he had found the perfect job. However, in a couple of weeks, we were devastated. He began hating his job. He complained about his boss. He did not like the work. But here we were, and still are, bound by a long-term contract with the company.

With Hardship Comes Ease: Embracing Discomfort... By Ismail Shaikh

With Hardship Comes Ease: Embracing Discomfort... By Ismail Shaikh Ismail Shaikh

I cried after my first interview. It was June of 2011 and I had finally landed an interview after frantically sending out applications to prospective employers. Job-hunting had been a stressful experience as I began to feel increasingly desperate under both family and financial pressure. So when I received a call to interview on short-term notice, I happily obliged.
Without much time to prepare, I went into the interview feeling very anxious. It was a panel interview and for the first time I experienced what it was like to be “grilled” by management. The short of the long of it – it was a poor interview and the program manager scoffed at my level of preparation. I exited that interview feeling relieved it was over but terribly sad, embarrassed, and fruitlessly hopeless. Still, I adhered to interview protocol and sent a thank-you email to management, sincerely explaining to them what had happened.
Allah, the Most Exalted, is the Best of Planners.

The Pursuit of Happiness..By Jinan Bastaki

The Pursuit of Happiness..By Jinan Bastaki

I was recently asked to give a talk entitled, “The Pursuit of Happiness.” I had a lot to say about the topic, and unfortunately was not able to deliver all of it. This topic is really important in general, but especially in this day and age where we find many people suffering from depression/melancholy at some point in their life. What is Happiness?
Most Americans are familiar with the phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”—rights enshrined in the U.S. Declaration of Independence. But in order to talk about the pursuit of happiness, we need to know what happiness is.

Emotional demons (source: Suhaibwebb)

Emotional demons

sudden demonImagine you’re on a boat out at sea.
You’re alone, except for a pack of scary demons hiding below the deck. As long as you keep floating around on the open sea, they stay below deck and you feel okay—for the most part.  Except for that nagging feeling that there are frightening creatures just out of sight.
When you decide you’ve had enough of floating around and turn the tiller to head toward shore, the demons come rushing up from below, gnashing their teeth and waving their razor-sharp claws at you.
“You have to stay out on the open sea!” they roar at you. “We’re going to slice you up with our razor-sharp claws if you don’t turn away from the shore!”

Seeing the World in a Different Way !!! By: Jinan Bastaki

Seeing the World in a Different Way !!! By: Jinan Bastaki

There are some people who are always able to see the positives in a situation.  Even when they get knocked down, they manage to get right back up again. They are able to do things with a wonderful spirit. The American inventor, Thomas Edison, once said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

What makes some people more able to be positive, determined, and in a general state of contentment and happiness than others? There are, of course, many reasons. One major reason is often the way we view the world. According to Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage and Before Happiness, this perception of reality is the precursor to happiness (or lack thereof).

The Only Shelter in the Storm (By:Yasmin Mogahed)

The Only Shelter in the Storm (By:Yasmin Mogahed)

It’s never easy to stand when the storm hits. As soon as it starts raining, lightning shortly follows. Dark clouds replace the sun and all you can see are the waves of an ocean, once calm, surrounding you. No longer able to find your way, you reach out for help.

You begin by calling the coast guard. No reply. You try again to redirect the boat. No use. You look for the lifeboat. It’s gone. You reach for a life jacket. Torn. Finally after you’ve exhausted every means, you turn your face upward.
And ask God.
But there’s something completely unique about this moment. At this instant, you experience something you otherwise could only theorize about: true tawheed. Oneness. See, on shore, you may have called on God. But you called on Him along with so many others. You may have depended on God. But you depended on Him along with so many other handholds. But for this singular moment, everything else is closed. Everything. There is nothing left to call on. Nothing left to depend on. But Him.
And that’s the point.

Put Your Best Face Forward... By:Lobna Mulla

Put Your Best Face Forward back to the last time you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror when you were stressed.  Did you look approachable?  What message did you send to others around you with your distressed facial expressions?  What type of reaction did your family or co-workers have when they engaged with you while you were in such a state?  Ever ponder the misunderstandings that may have arisen because your friend or spouse interpreted your frustration as directed towards them?  Let us reflect on the power of the smile not only in the face of adversity, but also during prosperity.

The Power of Remembrance (By: Reehab Ramadan)

The Power of Remembrance (By: Reehab Ramadan)

There is a feeling that comes to the heart, a feeling of unrest. No matter what is done that feeling of unrest doesn’t leave. Sometimes we try and numb it with entertainment or by distracting ourselves, but again it returns. And it is after this constant return of this feeling of unrest that we may finally remember the ayah (verse), “Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest!” (Qur’an 13:28)

Falling Apart? 4 Ways to Get Yourself Back Together, By Bobbi Emel

Falling Apart?

Falling Apart? 4 Ways to Get Yourself Back Together

By Bobbi Emel, MFT

learning to let goThere are times in life that shake you to your core. Your world is changed so much that you don’t recognize it or yourself anymore and doubts start to creep in that you’re ever going to recover.
That happened to me eight years ago when my partner, Ruth, died of metastatic breast cancer. Even though I knew she was going to die, even though we had talked about it and prepared for it the best we could, even though we had learned invaluable lessons during her illness, my spirit and heart were completely crushed when she took her last breath.

Shaken worldview

We all have ways that we view our worlds that are ensconced in our minds and based on our experiences. We view the world as safe or unsafe, fair or unfair, hopeful or hopeless, and so on. My world was always safe, predictable, orderly, and full of richness.
Until Ruth died.
I had never lost anyone before so the experience was completely new to me. Suddenly, my long-held worldview was shaken up.

The Power of Words (By: Reehab Ramadan)

The Power of Words (By: Reehab Ramadan)

Remember Me, I Will Remember You (By: Jinan Bastaki)

Remember Me, I Will Remember You (By: Jinan Bastaki)

How to Achieve Tranquility of the Heart

“Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.” (Qur’an, 13:28)

In the last article in this section, we wrap up the things we have to do in our journey to gain tranquility of the heart with the remembrance of Allah.

When we try to figure out why we are so often bothered,  why we feel disturbed internally, or why we feel sad – we need to go back to our hearts. The Prophet ﷺ (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Do not talk too much without remembering and mentioning Allah, for too much talk without mentioning Allah hardens the heart, and the person farthest from Allah is the one with a hard heart.” (Tirmidhi)

Healing the Hardest of Hearts (By: Aisha Bhoori)

Healing the Hardest of Hearts (By: Aisha Bhoori)

The ambulance was shrieking, and I was the unlucky patient being hurriedly transported to the local hospital. My body lay on a stretcher inside the vehicle, pain shooting through my left arm.
“It looks like a massive heart attack,” I heard one of the paramedics whisper. Not knowing the true severity of my situation, I shut my eyes, desperately praying to Ar-Rahman (The Merciful) to have mercy on His slave.
I impatiently tugged at the oxygen tubes in my nose, wondering when I would be able to escape from this prison the public decreed was a hospital.  A cardiologist soon strolled into my room, her brown eyes vibrant with empathy as she laid my chart down on the side counter and turned towards me, exclaiming, “As-salaamu `alaykum Aisha.”

Take Back Your Heart (By: Yasmin Mogahed)

Take Back Your Heart (By: Yasmin Mogahed)

 No one likes to fall. And few people would ever choose to drown. But in struggling through the ocean of this life, sometimes it’s so hard not to let the world in. Sometimes the ocean does enter us. The dunya does seep into our hearts.

And like the water that breaks the boat, when dunya enters, it shatters our heart.  It shatters the boat. Recently, I was reminded of what a broken boat looks like,

The Number that Never Changes...By: Omar Zarka (Source: Suhaibwebb)

The Number that Never Changes...By: Omar Zarka

He was right; having a good friend for over fifty years is impressive. I was attending a dinner in which a well-respected scholar and professor was being recognized for his accomplishments. Instead of focusing on himself and his journey, he spent his entire speech thanking the numerous individuals that impacted his life. As he reflected on his experience, he said one of the most rewarding gestures he ever received had been from a former student going out of his way to find the professor’s contact information to contact him and thank him for the time and effort he put into his education. I found it peculiar that after several decades of many accomplishments, friends and family, one of the most rewarding gestures the professor received was a thank you.

It’s true though. Sometimes, after trying so hard and going out of our way to help someone, all it takes is two words—thank you—to start the rush of accomplishment and success. In fact, it happens all the time at work and school when we get a pat-on-the-back for the job-well-done on a project or a paper.

Checkpoints of Faith: Where do you Stand? By Accepted Whispers (Source: Suhaibwebb, By: Yasmin Mogahed)

Checkpoints of Faith: Where do you Stand? By Accepted Whispers (Source: Suhaibwebb, By: Yasmin Mogahed)

About six months ago, I had just finished praying Fajr (dawn prayer) and decided to recite some Qur’an. Craving attention and appreciation from the right place this time, I remembered reading somewhere that the angels witness morning recitation. I gently flipped through the pages of my Qur’an and started recitation from where I left off but it wasn’t long until I felt my voice crack and eyes blur. I was crying…again! I embraced the Qur’an open and wept silently till the dawn. Exhausted, I carefully placed The Holy Qur’an

Collection Of Motivational Quotes by Famous Personalities Part 1

"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects" ~ Albert Einstein

When you
think you can't...
a previous triumph.
- Jack Canfield

To accomplish  great
things, we
must not only act, but

13 Things to Remember When Life Gets Rough (By: Carol Morgan)

 7 Hidden Causes of Fatigue And Steps to Prevent Serious Health Damage
We’ve all gone through hard times. And we all get through them. However, some get through them better than others. So what is their secret? Most of it has to do with attitude. Here are 13 things to remember when life gets rough:

1. What is, is.

Buddha’s famous saying tells us: “It is your resistance to ‘what is’ that causes your suffering.” Think about that for a minute. It means that our suffering only occurs when we resist how things are. If you can change something, then take action! Change it! But if you can’t change it, then you have two choices: (1) either accept it and let go of the negativity, or (2) make yourself miserable by obsessing over it.

Living with Depression and Islam (source: suhaibwebb, author: Anonymous)

Every morning I wake up and wish I hadn’t.
The months, weeks and days pass with me wishing it’ll be the last, and yet there’s no end.
At nighttime I cry faintly into my pillow with tears streaming down my cheeks. I whimper in pain, attempting to suppress the sounds that leave my room; I don’t want my family to hear.
I whisper, “Oh Allah, I don’t want to live anymore. Oh Allah, please, I don’t want to live anymore.”
I feel broken. I feel alone. I feel empty inside. I am in pain and numb at the same time. Perhaps my pain is so much now that I can no longer distinguish it. It is a physical pain—a weight on my chest crushing my existence, crushing my hopes and dreams.
I pray five times a day, I make du`a’ (supplications), I say astaghfirullah (I ask forgiveness from Allah) throughout the day and read as much Qur’an as I can. But it’s hard.