Friday 19 June 2015

10 Rituals That Morning People Use To Start Successful Days (by Quynh Nguyen)

The early bird catches the worm. Morning people have the advantage of a head start. However, they do not count their success on the chance of spotting a shooting star at dawn. Instead, they create a routine and stick to it. Here are 10 morning rituals that help morning people succeed.

1. They get up an hour early

It is easier for a morning person than for an evening soul to wake before the crack of dawn. Successful morning people don’t take this ability lightly. They consider it one of their many strengths to be nurtured. And we all know that promoting our strengths is the key to success. When you make waking up early a habit, you will have an extra hour a day, everyday, to do more and achieve more.

2. They do exercise

When morning people work out, they get their circulation going and clear their mind. Their body feels better and their thinking gets clearer. Would you agree that it would be a big push for a day of productivity? Then, pick up your running shoes or a yoga mat and start your blood going. You will be grateful for it later.

3. They go outside to breathe in fresh air

The freshness of the morning air is good for both the body and the mind. One of the first thing a highly achieving person often does in the morning is to step outside. The morning dew reminds her of a new day when she can again start afresh and strike for the best.

4. They list the priorities of the day

Everyday you have a lot of things to do. Finish up a project for the new client. Take your kids to school. Reply to the emails that have been piling up in your inbox. Pick up the dry-cleaning for your wife. And so on. Before digging into any of those many things, a morning person will take a few minutes to pick out a few priorities. Those are the things that you consider most urgent or matter the most.

5. They visualise their steps during the day

An effective way to get things done is to plan ahead. Morning people often map out the whole day way before they start it. What needs to be done? How many steps it involves? Everything can be planned roughly, say, in the shower.

6. They set goals

A day is not only about ticking off task after task. It is about achieving new things and reaching to a higher level. Successful people often take time to set goals in the morning. What do you want to achieve with this project? Where are you going with mentoring that colleague? Ask yourself questions relating to your goals so you stay focused on achievement.

7. They eat a healthy breakfast

Sometimes there is a temptation to just grab whatever is in the fridge for breakfast, or even to rush out without having it. But neither of these are a good idea. Morning people know better. They make a wholesome breakfast which they enjoy peacefully before whatever hectic day unfolds. Healthy food fuels your body properly and helps you maintain focus throughout the day.

8. They make a perfect cup of coffee, and just sit and think

Morning people have the luxury of time to brew a cup of coffee (or tea) perfectly. The drink not only wakes them up but also gives them the chance to sit down and reflect on life. That is the time for you to be thankful for your beautiful kid or your loving partner. Then there are the exciting projects you are taking on and the helpful colleagues you work with. By the cup of coffee, you reconnect with what is important in your life and the reasons why you get out of bed each morning.

9. They greet others with a smile

A happy morning soul often greats everyone including strangers. You open up yourself to others. What is more, an friendly good morning with a big smile is contagious. You are helping both you and others relax into a good day.

10. They clear their desk

They recycle yesterday’s newspaper. They tidy up their files and put things back where they belong. Morning people like to start fresh. It is important for their success to keep their place and their mind uncluttered.
Are you a morning person? What are your personal experiences? How far are you in building these habits? Share your thoughts with us.

Friday 23 January 2015

Alhamdullilah I launched my new site -
A Gateway to online medical information

I created this site as a platform for discussion and sharing our experiences in getting trained in medicine. I also share practice questions here which i collect during my exam preparations,  my residency experiences and adventures, articles on entrepreneurship, reviews of medical books, case discussions, and much more interesting things in morning rounds. My Blog is for sharing my residency experiences, differential diagnosis, medical mcqs and lot of motivational articles & quotes to keep you moving from such a demanding profession. Read my blog on my new site for latest articles, news and more awesome content.A little introduction about the key contents of this site follows:

Learn definition and differential diagnosis of symptoms, important history points and important physical examination points to support the particular diagnosis. For some symptoms investigations are also discussed to reach the final diagnosis.
Medical MCQs:
Multiple Choice Questions for post graduation entrance exams such as FCPS, MRCP, USMLE, PLAB. These mcqs are grouped according to organ systems and sometimes according to exam in which they appear so that you can practice your weak areas during preparation.Past Papers of various exams are also included.
Its the platform to ask questions by starting a topic and getting answers from different visitors of this site who share their experiences to guide you.
This area is about developing the ability to say yes to whatever happens in life – good, bad, or indifferent. It’s about being fully present, bringing the best of who we are to every situation. And it’s about being able to accept ourselves completely, warts and all.Everything you find here will help you develop your resiliency. By learning to say yes, you will be better able to bounce back from just about anything
 This area is for drug brand names available, pharmacology, dose, indications, interactions, contraindications & side effects.

Saturday 20 December 2014

13 Things Mature Men Don’t Do (By: Ivan Dimitrijevic)

Mature Man 
It seems that we as a society have forgotten some important values, and are generally becoming more immature as a result. There doesn’t seem to be a differentiation between manliness and egocentric chauvinist behavior in a lot of people’s minds, which is truly sad. You have people saying things like 30 is the new 20, and grown men acting like entitled spoiled children. The truth is that once you’ve stepped into your mid-20s you should have gained enough life experience to be able to behave like a mature adult.
The thing is, few young people –

Thursday 11 December 2014

7 Ways to Get Rid of Negative Energy and Become Positive (By Chris Talambas)


Negativity affects ourselves and everyone around us. It limits our potential to become something great and live a fulfilling, purposeful life. Negativity has a tangible effect on our health, too. Research has shown that people who cultivate negative energy experience more stress, more sickness, and less opportunity over the course of their lives than those who choose to live positively.

These 10 Types of Unnecessary Fear Should not Block You Anymore (By Gilbert Ross)


When our mind and heart are taken over by fear, our life grinds to a halt. Fear debilitates us and blocks us from taking positive action to move forward. Fear can also be an insidious enemy. It can seep through our daily life unnoticed and unchecked.
We might not even realize that it has hacked its way deep into our subconscious mind until we totally succumb to its grip.
Most common forms of fear are unnecessary. This means that unlike instinctive fear – for instance the fear that helps you stir away from imminent danger – these types of fear are mostly a fabrication of our mind or instilled through past experiences.
Unnecessary fears can and must be identified and avoided. They serve no real purpose apart from hindering our actions, goals and progress in life.
Here are the top 10 types of unnecessary fears that should not block you anymore: 


1. Fear of Failure

We all fear failing in something at some point in our life. Fear of failing in a job interview, a business venture, a relationship, reaching a goal and so on. The problem arises when it becomes a fear of failure in general.
The rational question is “how do you know you will fail before trying?” or “is failing to take action worse or better than failing after trying?”.

Monday 8 December 2014

7 Secrets How Great People Build Powerful Confidence


Want to learn how great people build unshakable confidence? If this is what you are looking for, this is the right article for you. Having strong confidence is one of the fundamental steps to achieving outstanding success. Without confidence, you will never produce the great results you want. And here are seven secrets how great people build powerful confidence…


1. They believe in themselves

Successful people always trust themselves. They believe they can do it and they are right. Even when things get out of hand, they trust in their ability that they can turn it around. You have to remember this all the time. You are special and you are unique. There is only one you in this universe. Nobody can talk like you do, breathe like you and think like you.

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

Friday 5 December 2014

10 Reasons Why Some People Will Never Succeed (by Kayiba Mpoyi)

sad man 
In O.G Mandino’s The greatest salesman in the world, a very important fact was made which said that:
“two amongst a thousand wise men, will define success in the same words, yet failure is always described in one way. Failure is man’s inability to reach his goals in life whatever they may be.”

24 Questions That Awaken The Real You (by Matt Hearnden)


I never used to ask these hit-harder-than-Tyson questions of myself. Or perhaps more accurately I’d occasionally ask them or they’d pop, unwanted, into my head, but I’d always quickly remove them from consciousness. I didn’t want to “go there”. Because I was scared. Intuitively, I knew these were important questions. Questions that would take me forward and jolt me outside my current reality. But I was comfortable drifting along the peripheries of my potential, even if I wasn’t totally happy, so why would I want to risk that?